Recordings now available!Register Today


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Full access to the live conference on May 4th.

Purchase Lifetime Access to the Recordings, Exclusive Downloadable Content, and More... for only $199 when bundled with your registration right now

Only available in this registration add-on:

  • Get lifetime access to the conference recordings after the conference, along with all resources and bonus resources.
  • You will also get access to presentation slides, reference papers, and other additional resources only available in this registration add-on.
Add on lifetime access to the recordings and the exclusive conference downloads by bundling now:(Required)

Registrant Information:

Registrant Name(Required)

2024 TCM 4.0 Virtual Conference presented by ASLAT

Included with your live conference registration:

  • 1 day virtual live conference with digital access, including interactive Q&A – happening May 4th, 2024
  • Access to the latest in holistic PBM and laser acupuncture therapies you can integrate into your practice today, and where the therapies and technology are going.
  • 3 day recordings access to catch anything you missed or if you couldn’t attend live.
  • Bonus resources including downloadable laser therapy papers

Get the full recording and downloadable resources including slides, reference papers, and more!

Add it on for just $199 when bundled with your registration during the early bird period.

For questions and sponsorship opportunities…

Reach out to us here »

Join us May 4th, 2024 to delve into the next evolution in acupuncture.